The Healing Feast Archive holds all of the past articles - lots more on the way!
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Changing Seasons of Life: Sprout Salad
This is a warming, change of season salad that is really satisfying. It fortifies and nourishes, and is filled with minerals, protein, and an array of pleasing tastes, textures, and colors. Beautiful, sienna-colored wehani rice has a super crunchy texture, with a nutty, butterscotch flavor, and the salad is complemented by a tahini-honey-mustard dressing.
Part 2: Energy in Food: Sprout Juice
Who would have thought that a juice made with sprouted mung beans, apples, celery, lime, and ginger, actually tastes good? We've found that it makes an exceptional drink that imparts a lively spring to our step. The ingredients for this recipe would also make a great salad. Simply chop and slice everything as shown in the photo, and squeeze fresh lime juice on top.
The Wonder of Growth: The Little Sprout Farm
Once we learned how to sprout, which was so much easier than we thought, and found sprouts that we actually liked to eat, we were off and running. The following sprouts have become part of our daily fare: mung bean, garbanzo bean, wehani rice, oats, millet, barley, green lentil, wild rice, quinoa, and alfalfa.
Restoration: The Little Wheatgrass Farm
The little wheatgrass farm is in production! Trays of fully grown grasses of wheat, barley, and oats, are being harvested, and trays of newly sprouting seeds provide a continuous supply of this precious juice.
Our lives,
so seemingly small,
ripple out
to the whole universe
as tiny whispers
like the sounds
of butterfly wings,
and the clear voice
of the living truth.
The Healing Feast is about:
healthful practices,
following our intuition,
& eating life-giving foods.
It's about:
transformation, joy,
inspiration, peace, gratitude,
and soulful beauty.
It's about:
living a life filled
with abundance and love,
& giving what is the best
within ourselves to the world.
"A smile from the heart is a gift to receive." —JLD